With great attention and strong focus
on the fast growth of new technology in ASEAN nations; a
regional conference is held on 8th-9th November 2018 in Ho Chi Minh City,
Vietnam, organized by ASEAN Legal Alliance; which is attended by investors,
professionals from all sectors, business owners, young start-up entrepreneurs,
and artists from Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia as well as from ASEAN Legal
Alliance’s European network. Several speakers who are expert and success
start-up entrepreneur have been invited to share their achievement and insights.
The topic of the conference is about “
Emerging Tech and Regulations in ASEAN- Reconciling Policies and Practices”.
Our partners-
Ms. Mao Samvutheary
Ms. Kang Leap
along with our in-house Attorney-at-Law as well as senior legal advisor have
participated in this conference and share our insight with all delegates as well
as speakers.
Throughout the conference, we all share the same idea that the technology is
quickly evolving and as lawyers, accountants professional and business owners we
need to know now to embrace new technologies, to find way to fill the legal and
regulatory vacuum for this sector and how we need to change with the time and
such swift to assess and mitigate risk of this new technologies for our client.
With great attention and strong focus
on the fast growth of new technology in ASEAN nations; a
regional conference is held on 8th-9th November 2018 in Ho Chi Minh City,
Vietnam, organized by ASEAN Legal Alliance; which is attended by investors,
professionals from all sectors, business owners, young start-up entrepreneurs,
and artists from Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia as well as from ASEAN Legal
Alliance’s European network. Several speakers who are expert and success
start-up entrepreneur have been invited to share their achievement and insights.
The topic of the conference is about “
Emerging Tech and Regulations in ASEAN- Reconciling Policies and Practices”.
Our partners-
Ms. Mao Samvutheary
Ms. Kang Leap
along with our in-house Attorney-at-Law as well as senior legal advisor have
participated in this conference and share our insight with all delegates as well
as speakers.
Throughout the conference, we all share the same idea that the technology is
quickly evolving and as lawyers, accountants professional and business owners we
need to know now to embrace new technologies, to find way to fill the legal and
regulatory vacuum for this sector and how we need to change with the time and
such swift to assess and mitigate risk of this new technologies for our client.